Center for Understanding and Treating Anxiety

Our Research

Welcome to the Center for Understanding and Treating Anxiety at San Diego State University. We are studying how programs on computer or mobile devices may help people with obsessive-compulsive symptoms with minimal assistance from a therapist. If you are interested in participating in our study, please complete tis questionnaire: [PRE ASSESMENT].

How to navigate this website:
Before you begin, you must complete the required questionnaire linked above. Please follow the order of the pages (start page to end of study) in order to complete the activities in each one. Do not skip over pages or open all of them at once.

Overview of Study

This is what your 4 weeks of participation will look like:

  1. Week 1
    • You will complete questionnaires about your demographic information and thoughts, feelings and behaviors through the smartphone app by clicking on the “EMA” setting.
    • You will also complete a short task measuring your attention by clicking on the “Flanker” setting in the app.
    • Next, you will watch videos in the app that provide information on OCD and a self-help guide for treatment.
  2. Weeks 2, 3 & 4
    • Once a day, you will receive a phone notification through the app prompting you to:
    1. Review instructions for conducting treatment activities.
    2. Practice treatment activities.
    3. Provide feedback on treatment activities. - Once a week, you will be prompted to complete online questionnaires about thoughts, feelings and behavior.
  3. End of Week 4
    • You will again complete questionnaires about thoughts, feelings and behavior through the smartphone app by clicking on the “EMA” setting.
    • You will again complete a short task measuring your attention by clicking on the “Flanker” setting in the app.
    • At this time, you will receive SONA credit for your participation.

Note about privacy: All your data will remain confidential and will not be used outside of our team and lab. Any personal information will be de-identified by using an identification number.

Research Team